
How, what, why? Well-founded answers about nutrition, health and sustainability


GALT — der Hauptakteur unseres Immunsystems
Every organism in this world has the same goal - survival and procreation. For this reason, viruses, bacteria and parasites constantly try to penetrate our body because they also want to reproduce and survive. The human body is often an...
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Entzündungen im Körper
Many people have had inflammation before. Some may argue that every adult suffers from inflammation at least once in their life, and probably much more often. Inflammation can actually affect almost every area of ​​our body: inflammation of the gums,...
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Tierische versus pflanzliche Proteine – was ist wirklich besser?
Tofu animal, almond milk, vegan cheese and Beyond Meat - the plant-based alternatives that replace conventional animal protein sources such as meat and cheese are numerous and are becoming increasingly popular. “Eating meat is no longer appropriate and is damaging...
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