
News from science and sport, looks behind the scenes and practical tips - everything is easy to digest

Worth knowing

Bioverfügbarkeit? Bioaktivität? Ich versteh nur Bio-Bahnhof!
When we deal with nutrition and food, we inevitably come across specific (technical) terms again and again. Although we are already familiar with some of them, we often lack the deeper knowledge to be able to make a judgment. And sometimes the terminology alone leaves a big question mark. Today I'll give you a quick, easy-to-digest explanation of bioactivity and bioavailability and why they're not the same thing.
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Vow! Diese Versprechen, Gesichter und Geschichten stecken hinter BE THE CHANGE
Inside BE THE CHANGE Our packaging partner Voegeli AG has portrayed sustainable Swiss companies in its latest magazine “VOW” that are breaking new ground and providing solutions for our environment – ​​also BE THE CHANGE. In addition, the founding duo Sven Altorfer and Barbara Stolba chat from the inside out in an interview and provide detailed and personal insights.
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Cradle-to-Cradle oder weil «möglichst wenig umweltschädliche» Verpackungen nicht gut genug sind
Aha! SIMPLE FACTS By law, food must be safely packaged. But this still too often generates huge amounts of waste, even with recyclable packaging made from recycled raw materials such as cardboard, albeit less. Why this is the case and why, thanks to Cradle to Cradle, our cardboard packaging is 100% recyclable, with no waste whatsoever.
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Laktoseintoleranz: Warum Sie unsere Shakes trotz Molke-Proteine bestens vertragen?
Aha! SIMPLE FACTS Proteins are essential for us humans. Athletes and physically active people in particular have an increased need for regeneration or muscle building. Our multi-protein shakes, for example, can help here. You can find out here why these are compatible with people with lactose intolerance despite the milk and whey protein isolates.
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