Serie Kolostrum Teil 7 – Wie Kolostrum beim Abnehmen helfen kann

Colostrum Series Part 7 – How colostrum can help you lose weight

The desire for a healthy and fit body is more than ever a topic of great interest. Many people now know that diets are not always sustainable, while a healthy lifestyle and conscious treatment of your own body are effective. Certain foods and supplements can help us reach our weight goals. Scientists are therefore increasingly researching foods that can catalyze the weight loss process.

A promising and still relatively unknown food that is increasingly becoming the focus of attention is colostrum. In this article, part 7 of the colostrum series , we show how colostrum can promote weight loss. Colostrum is the first milk of all mammals, including cows. This particular milk offers a variety of health benefits.

This is what this article is about:

  • Colostrum - the drink that can do many things
  • Colostrum for metabolism
  • Appetite regulation
  • Anti-inflammatory effect
  • Leptin – regulates the feeling of hunger
  • Adiponectin – regulation of blood sugar levels & fat metabolism
  • Study results

Colostrum – The potion that can do many things

Colostrum is an amazing substance that is naturally produced in the bodies of mammals, including cows. In a sense, it is the first superfood that everyone consumes. While the so-called "superfoods" have been on everyone's lips for some time, colostrum has not yet been given this title, even though the nutrients in this special milk and its nutritional benefits are outstanding and often surpass those of more popular superfoods. But what exactly is colostrum and why is it so healthy and can even help you lose weight? In Part 1 of this series we explain what exactly colostrum is.

In this article we look at the study results on colostrum and how it supports weight loss.

The role of colostrum in metabolism

One of the most fascinating features of colostrum is its ability to influence human metabolism. But what exactly is metabolism? We all know the term, but very few of us can describe exactly what actually happens during metabolism.

Human metabolism is a complex biological process in which the body converts food into energy. This energy requirement varies from person to person and depends on individual factors such as our age, gender, genetics and personal activity level.

Our metabolism influences how many calories our body burns and is therefore crucial for our weight and, as a result, for losing weight.

If someone has a fast metabolism, it means that the body burns more calories, making it easier to lose weight or maintain a constant weight level. Factors such as muscle mass, genetic predisposition and the thermal effect of food influence our metabolism. And what exactly is the connection between metabolism and weight loss?

To lose weight, it's important to create a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than you burn. Regular exercise, a balanced diet and muscle training can stimulate our metabolism and help us lose weight. It is important to understand that metabolism is not the only factor in weight loss, but it plays an essential role. But now back to the colostrum.

The growth factors contained in colostrum, particularly insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), play a central role in controlling metabolism. IGF-1 is involved in regulating cell growth and repair. Taking colostrum therefore has an impact on our body's overall energy consumption.

The relationship between colostrum and weight loss is multidimensional. But one of the key factors is increasing metabolism.

We have therefore summarized the most important effects of taking colostrum on metabolism:

Increasing muscle mass

Colostrum contains the highest quality protein structures and can therefore increase muscle mass and promote fat loss.

By building lean muscle mass, the body's basal metabolic rate increases, meaning more calories are burned even at rest. This can help create a calorie deficit, which is crucial for weight loss while making it easier for us to maintain a healthy weight long-term.

Appetite regulation

Colostrum also contains bioactive peptides that can regulate appetite and satiety.

Research has shown that these peptides influence the release of hormones that control hunger, which can help reduce calorie intake and maintain a calorie deficit.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Another important component of weight loss is reducing inflammation in the body by taking colostrum. Chronic inflammation can disrupt metabolism and promote fat accumulation.

Colostrum is rich in immunoglobulins and other anti-inflammatory substances that can help reduce inflammation. Because: Chronic inflammation can have a negative impact on metabolism.

All of these factors collectively contribute to colostrum stimulating metabolism and supporting weight loss.

As already suggested, colostrum can influence the release of certain hormones that control hunger. We would therefore like to go into this aspect in more detail.

The importance of leptin and adiponectin

The connection between colostrum and weight loss goes even deeper. Colostrum can influence the regulation of leptin and adiponectin, two important hormones in metabolism.

Leptin – Regulates the feeling of hunger

Leptin is a hormone produced by our fat cells and plays a crucial role in regulating our hunger. It signals to the brain when our body has stored enough energy in the form of fat reserves. High leptin levels should make us feel full and eat less.

Leptin resistance can occur in people who are overweight, in which the brain no longer responds “normally” to leptin. This leads to persistent feelings of hunger and overeating. This is one of the reasons why people who are overweight often find it difficult to lose weight.

Taking colostrum can help improve leptin sensitivity. By regulating appetite and stimulating metabolism, colostrum can help restore and balance the balance between leptin and the natural feeling of hunger. This can be particularly beneficial for people who are overweight or have leptin resistance.

Adiponectin – regulation of blood sugar levels & fat metabolism

Adiponectin is another important hormone produced by our fat cells. It plays a role in regulating our blood sugar levels and fat metabolism.

Low adiponectin levels are often associated with obesity and metabolic disorders. The interesting thing is that colostrum has been proven to increase adiponectin levels in our body.

By increasing adiponectin production, colostrum can help optimize fat metabolism and improve insulin sensitivity. This can have positive effects on weight loss, as efficient fat metabolism and better insulin sensitivity help the body use fat reserves more effectively.

Colostrum as a food & supplement for weight loss

Colostrum has proven to be a promising nutritional supplement to boost metabolism and support weight loss. Its ability to increase muscle mass, control appetite, reduce inflammation, and influence key metabolic hormones makes it an exciting subject of research in the field of weight loss.

For those considering colostrum to support weight loss, the quality and origin of the product is critically important.

High-quality colostrum is offered cold filtered so that the nutrients, immune factors and growth factors are preserved as best as possible. In addition, the ethical aspect of colostrum must also be taken into account when purchasing it.

Ethical and high-quality colostrum is only skimmed from milk surplus. This ensures that calves are prioritized first before colostrum that would not be used is skimmed off for humans.

It should be noted that colostrum should be considered as part of a comprehensive approach to weight loss that also includes a balanced diet and adequate exercise.

Before taking dietary supplements or changing your eating habits, you should always consult a specialist. The information in this blog is for general educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.


  1. Antonio J, Sanders MS, Van Gammeren D. The effects of bovine colostrum supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in active men and women. Nutrition. 2001;17(3):243-247. doi:10.1016/s0899-9007(00)00552-9
  2. Davison G. The Use of Bovine Colostrum in Sport and Exercise. Nutrients. 2021;13(6):1789. Published 2021 May 24. doi:10.3390/nu13061789
  3. Kaplan M, Arslan A, Duman H, et al. Production of Bovine Colostrum for Human Consumption to Improve Health. Front Pharmacol. 2022;12:796824. Published 2022 Jan 3. doi:10.3389/fphar.2021.796824
  4. R. Pakkanen, J. Aalto: Growth Factors and Antimicrobial Factors of Bovine Colostrum. In: International Dairy Journal. 7 (5), 1997, pp. 285-297
  5. Przybylska, J.; Albera, E.; Kankofer, M.: Antioxidants in Bovine Colostrum, April 2007
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