7 Tipps für einen energiegeladenen Tag

Colostrum & Probiotics for the intestines and immune system: 7 tips for an energetic day

Our intestines and their functionality are the basis for a strong immune system and an energetic day – whether at work, on holiday or on exciting trips to distant or foreign cultures.

The ideal basis and support for this are the Colostrum & Probiotics capsules from Be The Change. They effectively and naturally build up and strengthen the immune system. They also care for the gastrointestinal tract, nourish the intestinal microbiome and counteract digestive irritations.

So that you can fully benefit from this powerful basic supplement , we have put together a few tips that can help you in all situations in life:

1. 🚰☕️

Drinking enough fluids is important for good intestinal health. Water, herbal teas or diluted juices can help.

2. 🧘‍♂️🙇‍♂️

Stress management plays a role in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. Relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation can help reduce stress levels.

3. 🤸🚴‍♂️🏃‍♀️

Sufficient exercise and regular physical activity can have a positive effect on intestinal health and the immune system.

4. 🛌 💤

Sleep is important for the body's regeneration and the functioning of the immune system. Therefore, it is important to get enough sleep.

5. 🫸💊

Antibiotics should only be used when necessary, as they can affect the gut microbiome. When taking antibiotics, a probiotic supplement should be considered at the same time.

6. 🧄🧅🥬

Adequate intake of prebiotic foods such as chicory, artichokes, garlic or onions can promote the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria.

7. 🫸🍷🚬

Nicotine and alcohol consumption can have a negative impact on the intestinal microbiome. It is therefore better to avoid or at least reduce the consumption of these substances.

Colostrum & Probiotics from Be The Change

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