Der optimale Proteinbedarf für Sportler – sind tierische Proteine den pflanzlichen überlegen?

The optimal protein requirement for athletes - are animal proteins superior to plant proteins?

Proteins are essential for the growth, repair and regeneration of tissues and cells in the body - in short, for our everyday lives. Proteins play an incredibly important role, especially in sports, as they are involved in the formation of muscle mass and the restoration of muscle tissue after physical exertion. There is also evidence that proteins have a positive influence on our immune system.

This article discusses the optimal protein requirement in sport and the positive influence of proteins on the immune system. We also compare animal proteins with plant proteins, paying particular attention to the amino acid profile. Because: Animal proteins are often viewed as the best source of proteins because they contain all essential amino acids in sufficient quantities.

Difference between plant and animal proteins

Proteins are essential for the growth, repair and regeneration of tissues and cells in the body. Through our diet we consume proteins in the form of animal or plant food sources. There is scientific evidence and evidence that animal proteins are superior to plant proteins, which is why they should be prioritized in the diet. We would like to explain the reasons for this and how plant proteins differ from animal proteins.

Amino acid profile:

One of the most important properties of proteins is their amino acid profile. There are a total of 20 different amino acids, nine of which are considered essential because the body cannot produce them itself and therefore they must be consumed through food.

Animal proteins contain all nine essential amino acids in sufficient quantities, while plant proteins often do not contain all essential amino acids in sufficient quantities - in English, animal proteins are therefore referred to as “complete”. Even if it is theoretically possible to achieve a balanced amino acid composition through a combination of different plant proteins, this requires discipline, intensive study of the matter and a very conscious diet. Since modern people often lead stressful and eventful lives, there is not always time for this and the necessary knowledge is often lacking.

Biological value:

Another factor that should be taken into account when comparing animal to plant proteins is biological value. The biological value indicates how well a protein can be used or, more precisely, metabolized by the body.

Animal proteins have a higher biological value than plant proteins. Chicken eggs are a good example of what the optimal biological value looks like. Because: Chicken eggs have a biological value of 100, which means that they can be used excellently by our body.

Vegetable proteins often have a lower biological value because they often do not contain all essential amino acids in sufficient quantities and metabolism is inhibited or prevented by the protease inhibitors contained in the plants.

Basically, it can be said that the body can better absorb and utilize animal proteins to build and repair tissue and cells.


The digestibility of proteins is another important factor when evaluating their respective quality.

Animal proteins are generally easier to digest than plant proteins. This is because animal proteins often contain less fiber than plant proteins. Fiber can slow down the digestive process. Higher digestibility of animal proteins means that they can be used and absorbed more quickly and effectively by the body.

Nutrient density:

Another aspect in which animal and plant proteins differ is their nutrient density. Animal proteins are often rich in other important nutrients such as: B. Iron, vitamin B12 and zinc, which are important for the body's overall health and performance.

Plant-based proteins often contain fewer or lower amounts of these nutrients, meaning that a balanced diet containing plant-based proteins may require additional supplements to meet the body's nutritional needs. Plant proteins often have a lower nutrient density than animal proteins.


Although it is theoretically possible to obtain almost all essential amino acids and nutrients from a plant-based diet, animal proteins typically provide higher quality and higher digestibility of proteins. It is therefore advisable, especially for athletes, not to forego animal proteins, but to prioritize them. Animal proteins are also rich in other important nutrients that are important for the body's overall health and performance.

A balanced and nutrient-rich mixture of plant and animal proteins is therefore ideal, with animal proteins being easier to digest and easier for our body to utilize, which can benefit our health and athletic performance in the long term.

Optimal protein requirements through animal proteins in sport

We already know that adequate protein intake is crucial for the repair and growth of muscle tissue, especially after physical exertion. The generally recommended daily protein intake for adults aged 19 and under 65 is between 0.8 - 1.0 g protein/kg body weight.

It is generally recommended that athletes consume between 1.2 and 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily to maintain and increase muscle mass. A slightly lower amount of protein of around 1.2 to 1.4 grams per kilogram of body weight is often recommended for endurance athletes, while higher amounts of up to 1.7 grams per kilogram of body weight are recommended for strength and extreme athletes.

Animal proteins are therefore essential for athletes. They contain all essential amino acids in sufficient quantities to support muscle protein synthesis and are easy to digest.

Some of the best sources of animal proteins are meat, fish, dairy and eggs. These foods also contain other important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are important for the overall health and performance of athletes.

Positive influence of animal proteins on the immune system

There is also evidence that consumption of animal proteins also has a positive influence on the immune system. Some studies have shown that higher animal protein consumption is associated with improved immune function, especially in the elderly or those with weakened immune systems.

The immune system requires certain nutrients to function properly, such as: B. Zinc, iron, selenium and vitamin B12, which are often found in animal products. These nutrients are important for the production of white blood cells, which can fight infections and reduce inflammation.

Animal proteins can help strengthen the immune system by promoting the production of antibodies. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system to recognize and fight harmful bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Animal proteins can also help reduce inflammation, which plays a role in many diseases, by containing anti-inflammatory substances such as: B. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish.

Multi protein shake

An ideal, high-quality protein source is, for example, our vegetarian BE THE CHANGE multi-protein shake. This consists of a multi-component protein that is second to none. The shake with Earl Gray flavor (without containing tea) and real vanilla from Madagascar offers a complete protein supply for muscle building, regeneration or can even serve as a meal replacement.

The multi-protein is also characterized by its excellent tolerability. The multi-protein shake is made by us in Switzerland and is free of preservatives and additives. It is also suitable for people with lactose intolerance and is a certified product on the Cologne List. The balanced profile of the recipe as well as the easy digestibility of the high-quality ingredients create a unique enjoyment experience and optimally support the body in protein absorption.


It is recommended to take the multi-protein shake after physical activity or in the evening. You can mix it quickly and easily with milk or water according to the instructions.

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