


How, what, why? Well-founded answers about nutrition, health and sustainability.


Vitamin-B: Über die Wichtigkeit, Funktion & Überdosierung

Vitamin B: About the importance,...

Sven Altorfer

Even small children are regularly given fruit and vegetables and told “You have to get enough vitamins” – and that is absolutely correct. Vitamins are not only important, they are...

Vitamin B: About the importance, function & overdose

Sven Altorfer

Even small children are regularly given fruit and vegetables and told “You have to get enough vitamins” – and that is absolutely correct. Vitamins are not only important, they are...

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Die Bedeutung von Fett und Cholesterin im Gehirn: Bausteine für geistige Gesundheit

The Importance of Fat and Choles...

Sven Altorfer

The brain is a complex and fascinating organ that is responsible for controlling and regulating all body functions. To function efficiently, the brain requires certain nutrients, including fat and cholesterol....

The Importance of Fat and Cholesterol in the Brain: Building Blocks for Mental Health

Sven Altorfer

The brain is a complex and fascinating organ that is responsible for controlling and regulating all body functions. To function efficiently, the brain requires certain nutrients, including fat and cholesterol....

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Kurkuma und ihre besonderen Fähigkeiten für unsere innere und äussere Gesundheit

Turmeric and its special abiliti...

Sven Altorfer

What is Turmeric? Turmeric, or turmeric (Curcuma longa), is a plant that is part of the ginger family. The shoot axis system of turmeric is very similar to the ginger...

Turmeric and its special abilities for our internal and external health

Sven Altorfer

What is Turmeric? Turmeric, or turmeric (Curcuma longa), is a plant that is part of the ginger family. The shoot axis system of turmeric is very similar to the ginger...

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Wie kann ich mein Immunsystem zur Erkältungs- und Grippesaison stärken?

How can I boost my immune system...

Sven Altorfer

Naturally strengthen the immune system It's important to take care of your immune system all year round, but often it's only when we're feeling unwell that we realize how much...

How can I boost my immune system during cold and flu season?

Sven Altorfer

Naturally strengthen the immune system It's important to take care of your immune system all year round, but often it's only when we're feeling unwell that we realize how much...

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Das Sonnenvitamin für Nachtruhe – Vitamin D3 für einen guten und erholsamen Schlaf

The sunshine vitamin for a night...

Sven Altorfer

Vitamins are important for humans, even vital for survival. There are 13 vitamins in total, nine of which are water-soluble and four of which are fat-soluble. In this article we...

The sunshine vitamin for a night's sleep - vitamin D3 for a good, restful sleep

Sven Altorfer

Vitamins are important for humans, even vital for survival. There are 13 vitamins in total, nine of which are water-soluble and four of which are fat-soluble. In this article we...

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Upcycling, eine Notwendigkeit für die Zukunft

Upcycling, a necessity for the f...

Sven Altorfer

We live in a consumer society in which aspects such as the environment or animals have suffered or are neglected for many years. For some time now, we and our...

Upcycling, a necessity for the future

Sven Altorfer

We live in a consumer society in which aspects such as the environment or animals have suffered or are neglected for many years. For some time now, we and our...

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