


Nutrition is the basis of health. The right diet is based on knowledge. And knowledge means knowing where it is written - here in the "Know-How" blog from Be The Change.


Olibanum oder auch Weihrauch ist ein würzig-bitteres, balsamisches Harz, das aus Boswellia-Bäumen gewonnen wird.

Oliba-what? Scientists decipher ...

Elia Diehl

NUTRITIONAL NEWS Frankincense has been used in Indian natural medicine (Ayurveda) for thousands of years. Also the western pharmaceutical Industry has long been interested in the anti-inflammatory properties of olibanum....

Oliba-what? Scientists decipher how olibanum works

Elia Diehl

NUTRITIONAL NEWS Frankincense has been used in Indian natural medicine (Ayurveda) for thousands of years. Also the western pharmaceutical Industry has long been interested in the anti-inflammatory properties of olibanum....

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Auswirkungen eines Lockdowns auf unser Immunsystem

Effects of a lockdown on our imm...

Sven Altorfer

The corona pandemic has led to many noticeable and extreme restrictions in our everyday lives in recent years - apart from the obvious consequences, such as the respiratory disease Covid-19,...

Effects of a lockdown on our immune system

Sven Altorfer

The corona pandemic has led to many noticeable and extreme restrictions in our everyday lives in recent years - apart from the obvious consequences, such as the respiratory disease Covid-19,...

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Omega-3-Fettsäuren – Wundermittel der Natur für ein gesundes Gehirn

Omega-3 fatty acids – nature’s m...

Sven Altorfer

Omega-3 fatty acids have attracted a lot of attention in recent years due to their numerous positive effects on the human body. These wonders of nature, which are essential for...

Omega-3 fatty acids – nature’s miracle cure for a healthy brain

Sven Altorfer

Omega-3 fatty acids have attracted a lot of attention in recent years due to their numerous positive effects on the human body. These wonders of nature, which are essential for...

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Vitamin-B: Über die Wichtigkeit, Funktion & Überdosierung

Vitamin B: About the importance,...

Sven Altorfer

Even small children are regularly given fruit and vegetables and told “You have to get enough vitamins” – and that is absolutely correct. Vitamins are not only important, they are...

Vitamin B: About the importance, function & overdose

Sven Altorfer

Even small children are regularly given fruit and vegetables and told “You have to get enough vitamins” – and that is absolutely correct. Vitamins are not only important, they are...

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Die Bedeutung von Fett und Cholesterin im Gehirn: Bausteine für geistige Gesundheit

The Importance of Fat and Choles...

Sven Altorfer

The brain is a complex and fascinating organ that is responsible for controlling and regulating all body functions. To function efficiently, the brain requires certain nutrients, including fat and cholesterol....

The Importance of Fat and Cholesterol in the Brain: Building Blocks for Mental Health

Sven Altorfer

The brain is a complex and fascinating organ that is responsible for controlling and regulating all body functions. To function efficiently, the brain requires certain nutrients, including fat and cholesterol....

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Kurkuma und ihre besonderen Fähigkeiten für unsere innere und äussere Gesundheit

Turmeric and its special abiliti...

Sven Altorfer

What is Turmeric? Turmeric, or turmeric (Curcuma longa), is a plant that is part of the ginger family. The shoot axis system of turmeric is very similar to the ginger...

Turmeric and its special abilities for our internal and external health

Sven Altorfer

What is Turmeric? Turmeric, or turmeric (Curcuma longa), is a plant that is part of the ginger family. The shoot axis system of turmeric is very similar to the ginger...

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