Immunoglobuline Konzentrat –  Colostrum

Immunoglobulin concentrate – colostrum

Many of us initially cannot imagine anything when it comes to the terms “immunoglobulins” and “colostrum”. Immunoglobulins is the technical term for the so-called “antibodies” in our body. Colostrum is also known as “colostrum” or “first milk” and contains immunoglobulins. BE THE CHANGE® has made the essential benefits of immunoglobulins in the form of colostrum usable in a sustainable and animal-friendly way and has made the valuable active ingredients in the BE THE CHANGE colostrum products bioactively available.

We would like to explain to you in more detail in this article what exactly colostrum and immunoglobulins have to do with each other, to what extent colostrum has benefits for adults and why animal welfare and sustainability play an important role in this context.

What are immunoglobulins?

Immunoglobulins are an indispensable and essential part of our specific immune system and are also called antibodies.

Our immune system protects us from pathogens that cause illness, such as viruses and bacteria, as well as from faulty, endogenous cells, such as the much-feared tumor cells.

Our immune system, the invisible protector

Our immune system is our body's defense system and it fights harmful pathogens and cells so that we don't get sick but stay healthy.

The immune system is a complex network that consists of various players who act within it: several organs, numerous messenger substances and different cell types are part of our immune system.

The immunoglobulins, the antibodies, are also part of our so-called specific immune system - now you may be wondering, if there is a “specific” immune system, is there another immune system? To a certain extent, yes.

Because: Did you know that our immune system is divided into two functional parts?

Non-specific immune system – the innate protection

Our innate immune system is also known as the “non-specific immune system” and has both external barriers, such as our skin and mucous membranes, as well as internal protective mechanisms, such as the defense cells in our body. White blood cells and bacteria-killing substances are just a few examples of how our non-specific immune system protects us from pathogens.

Specific immune system – the acquired protection

Our specific immune system is not innate, but is only acquired through external influences and through confrontation with our environment and its pathogens after birth. When our body comes into contact with a potential pathogen, such as a virus or bacteria, our body uses certain defense mechanisms to specifically ward off and fight the pathogen. Our immune system basically remembers the characteristics of the pathogen and can then fight it off even more efficiently when it comes into contact again. The so-called T cells and B cells, a certain type of white blood cell, play an important role in our specific immune system.

The heroes of our specific immune system – immunoglobulins

Our antibodies, the immunoglobulins, are proteins and have the shape of a Y, which cannot be seen even under a microscope because they are so small - they are invisible to us humans with the naked eye. Immunoglobulins circulate in our blood and play an essential role in the specific immune defense against pathogens, which are also colloquially known as invaders.

According to the lock and key principle, which some may remember from biology class, immunoglobulins recognize certain structures and features on the surfaces of pathogens, which we in turn refer to as antigens.

The antibodies attach themselves to these antigens and in this way mark the bacteria, viruses or faulty cells in the body that are unwanted in the body. The defense cells, the T cells already mentioned, react to this marking and destroy the unwanted intruders.

Immunoglobulins are essential for our survival so that our body can adequately protect itself against harmful substances. There are different types of immunoglobulins or antibodies.

The different types of immunoglobulins

The different types of antibodies are summarized in the immunoglobulin classes [1] :

Immunoglobulins G (IgG): The G immunoglobulins are the most common antibodies in our blood that protect us primarily from viruses and bacteria. As an unborn fetus, we received the first G immunoglobulins from our mother's placenta, which protect us from pathogens in the first months of our lives.

Immunoglobulins A (IgA): IgA is found primarily on our mucous membranes and in body fluids. As babies, we receive IgA through our mother's milk.

Immunoglobulin M (IgM): After contact with a pathogen, IgM is the first class of immunoglobulins to be formed and indicates the acute infectious phase of a disease.

Immunoglobulins D (IgD): IgD's function has not yet been fully researched, but it is suspected that they play a role in the activation of B cells. D-immunoglobulins are only detectable in small amounts in our plasma and are broken down very quickly by the body.

Immunoglobulins E (IgE): IgE are the immunoglobulins that play a role in allergies and parasites.

What is colostrum?

The term colostrum, or colostrum, colostrum or first milk, may not mean anything specific to you at first. Mothers or those with immune systems may already know the word and have heard it from the midwife or doctor.

Colostrum is the first substance that is released to the newborn after pregnancy by a mammal, for example a woman or a female cow. In liquid form, colostrum is produced by the female mammary glands and contains concentrated and versatile ingredients in the form of antibodies, proteins, vitamins, amino acids, and much more

But what exactly is colostrum good for and how does it differ from conventional breast milk?

Back to the origins

Colostrum supports the immune system of newborns in a completely natural way, because it is one of the most original supply mechanisms in mammology, the biology of mammals.

The unique “first milk” is the first strengthening food of every mammal to make the new living being resistant and able to survive. If the colostrum is produced by a cow, it is also known in agriculture as colostrum.

When a newborn, whether human or ruminant, is born, the immune system is only weakly developed - in young calves it is not developed at all.

If a living being were to be exposed to the environment without first milk, it would be at the mercy of the many bacteria and viruses without sufficient protective mechanisms and its survival would be at great risk.

First milk was therefore designed by Mother Nature to intensively strengthen the immune defense of newborns within the first few days, so that the new creatures quickly become capable of surviving. That's why colostrum has an even more concentrated mixture of valuable ingredients that support the immune system than the breast milk produced later.

First milk is only produced by a mother in the first 18-36 hours after birth and is then replaced by conventional breast milk. Colostrum also looks different than breast milk as it is thicker and yellowish.

Why cow colostrum is more effective

We have already learned that people are born with an innate immune system and that this non-specific immune system is expanded by the specific immune system after birth.

In contrast to a human infant, a newborn calf, on the other hand, does not have its own antibodies after birth and is therefore completely defenseless against bacteria, viruses and the environment.

But evolution can be relied upon - because colostrum from cows' colostrum contains up to 40 times higher concentration of immunoglobulins than human first milk, as a study by Natural History Magazine found in 1969.

Compared to milk, other nutritional values ​​are also contained in higher concentrations. [2] For this reason, we at BE THE CHANGE® only use high-quality colostrum from colostrum for our immunoglobulin concentrates.

Nutrients in Colostrum:

  • Immunoglobulins, antibodies
  • Enzymes
  • Proteins
  • Lactoferrin
  • amino acids
  • Nucleotides
  • Growth factors [3]
  • Vitamins
  • minerals

Benefits for adults

Why should an adult take colostrum?

The positive effects of colostrum on human health have been scientifically proven for a long time and are particularly diverse in their scope. It is not for nothing that the evolutionary development of mammals created this little miracle drug that offers us impressive health benefits.

In addition to the already described support of our immune system throughout our entire lifespan through immunoglobulins, colostrum also has an antibacterial effect and can neutralize free radicals.

The importance of a healthy diet is crucial for our overall health. Colostrum extracts are not a medicine or dietary supplement, but a very special kind of food that can originally support our health and immune system through its natural effectiveness. We are essentially making use of Mother Nature's evolutionary genius.

Colostrum is also suitable for people who are lactose intolerant. Because: With a normal daily intake of high-quality, freeze-dried colostrum in an amount of approx. 1 gram per day, the lactose content is so low that no reaction can occur even with lactose intolerance. [4]

Three important effects of colostrum:

  1. Colostrum supports the immune system
  2. Colostrum has an antibacterial effect
  3. Colostrum can neutralize free radicals

1. Immune system support

The antibodies (immunoglobulins) contained in colostrum and the numerous other nutritional values ​​support both our specific and non-specific immune systems throughout our lives.

With age, the efficiency of our immune system decreases and will therefore gratefully accept a supply of immunoglobulins and other valuable nutrients. Especially in stressful times or after illness, adjusting our diet and taking additional immunoglobulins through colostrum can help us achieve general well-being.

2. Antibacterial effect – natural resistance

Bovine colostrum is attributed by researchers to have an antibacterial effect. [5] The lactoferrin contained in colostrum has properties that remove iron from bacteria.

However, since iron is vital for bacteria, the pathogens die. This antibacterial effect can therefore have a positive effect on combating pathogens.

3. Colostrum neutralizes free radicals and activates our immune cells

Researchers led by Professor Josef Beut at the University of Cologne also found an antioxidant effect in a scientific study. In the study, Biestmilch activated immune cells and neutralized free radicals. [6]

When too many free radicals cause what is known as “oxidative stress,” this can lead to numerous diseases such as arteriosclerosis, arthritis, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Immunoglobulins from colostrum can neutralize these free radicals and potentially help prevent or counteract diseases.

Animal welfare and sustainability – happy cows for high-quality colostrum

Now you may say that it is not animal friendly to withhold vital colostrum from calves or maybe you don't even drink cow's milk anymore? Be reassured.

BE THE CHANGE has made it its mission to act exclusively in a sustainable, animal-friendly manner and in harmony with human biochemistry, as well as regenerative and organic agriculture.

The calf remains No.1

The cow also produces excess colostrum in organic dairy farming. This means that our calves first get more than enough to drink before the farmer skims off some of the excess that the calves no longer drink as a supply and carefully freezes it.

After skimming off the supply, a few liters of colostrum remain that are not used for milk or cheese processing. Reputable and animal-friendly producers only collect this excess colostrum. We therefore work exclusively with selected farmers who respectfully nurture and lovingly care for the calf and the mother animal in terms of their nature and their natural needs. In our opinion, humans are only allowed to appear when the calves have received the colostrum they are entitled to in sufficient quantities.

Sustainability & Quality

We at BE THE CHANGE therefore work with our own suppliers from Swiss agriculture and maintain personal, long-term relationships with all farmers. Organic and regenerative agriculture are part of our company's mission statement.

We know exactly which colostrum collection comes from which mother cow. There is a wide range of colostrum available on the market - and in varying quality because it can be obtained in different ways.

For the best quality, the overall health of the cows is crucial, just as with conventional cow's milk. The well-being of the animals is directly related to the open range on healthy pastures, the local and natural diet, as well as species-appropriate and loving animal husbandry, so that high-quality and rich colostrum can be produced, which in turn leads to high-quality cow's milk [7] .

We are pioneers – ultrafiltration without pasteurization

BE THE CHANGE has done pioneering work and offers the first 100% cold-processed Swiss colostrum with the highest immunoglobulin concentration and bioactivity.

Most common colostrum products are pasteurized, i.e. heated. Heat leads to the denaturation of the immunoglobulins and also destroys other temperature-sensitive nutrients and active ingredients. The colostrum therefore loses a lot of its natural effectiveness due to pasteurization.

High-quality colostrum, on the other hand, is gently micro-filtered/cold-filtered. The gentle processing of our colostrum using ultrafiltration without pasteurization, i.e. without heat, is of great importance for our high quality. Through our special filtration method, we ensure that the colostrum retains its natural strength and especially the immunoglobulins.

This complex process preserves the valuable nutrients and guarantees food safety. In addition, producers of premium colostrum have their first colostrum expertized and certified by independent testing centers. We only work with such colostrum for our BE THE CHANGE immunoglobulin concentrates.


1: Antibodies on, last accessed on May 13, 2022

2: Bruce, CE: Natural History Magazine, February 1969

3: R. Pakkanen, J. Aalto: Growth Factors and Antimicrobial Factors of Bovine Colostrum. In: International Dairy Journal. 7 (5), 1997, pp. 285-297

4: Kritzinger, Franz: The quality classification of colostrum with a simple precision funnel, Munich 2017, p. 6; last accessed on June 25, 2019

5: Klapper, DG et al: Endicrinology, June 1983

6: Colostrum has an antioxidant effect and strengthens the immune system on, January 18, 2008, last accessed on June 25, 2019

7: Przybylska, J.; Albera, E.; Kankofer, M.: Antioxidants in Bovine Colostrum , April 2007


[2] Bruce, CE: Natural History Magazine, February 1969.

[3] R. Pakkanen, J. Aalto: Growth Factors and Antimicrobial Factors of Bovine Colostrum. In: International Dairy Journal. 7 (5), 1997, pp. 285-297

[4] Kritzinger, Franz: The quality classification of colostrum with a simple precision funnel, Munich 2017, p. 6; last accessed on June 25, 2019

[5] Klapper, DG et al: Endicrinology, June 1983

[6] Colostrum has an antioxidant effect and strengthens the immune system on, January 18, 2008, last accessed on June 25, 2019

[7] Przybylska, J.; Albera, E.; Kankofer, M.: Antioxidants in Bovine Colostrum, April 2007

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