Vitamin-B: Über die Wichtigkeit, Funktion & Überdosierung

Vitamin B: About the importance, function & overdose

Even small children are regularly given fruit and vegetables and told “You have to get enough vitamins” – and that is absolutely correct. Vitamins are not only important, they are even vital for human survival.

The term “vitamins” probably means something to all of us, but what are these vitamins actually, why are they so important for us and can they possibly be dangerous? Can too many vitamins lead to an overdose?

In this article we would like to focus in particular on B vitamins, as these are among the most commonly supplemented through dietary supplements.

What are vitamins actually?

First of all, vitamins are organic compounds - this means that their molecular structure contains carbon combined with hydrogen. Vitamins are quite complex in their molecular structure, which is why they can only be found in living nature. Vitamins often have to be produced by animals, fungi or bacteria before we can consume them.

Vitamins are divided into lipophilic (fat-soluble) and hydrophilic (water-soluble) vitamins to make them easier to distinguish. Vitamins are further categorized by their initial letters, which range from A to K.

Another important feature of vitamins is that we humans and other living beings do not use vitamins as an energy source, but rather need them as an important component for the functioning of vital functions and processes in our body.

Our body cannot produce or synthesize most vitamins itself, such as the B vitamins. Other vitamins, such as vitamin D, can be produced by the body under the right conditions (sunlight), but this is not always easy. This is why vitamin D deficiency is particularly common in countries north and south of the equator, because there is not enough sunlight and the angle of the sun is the "wrong" one for our body to synthesize enough vitamin D.

We therefore have to get most vitamins from food in order to meet our vitamin needs. Foods such as meat, poultry, fish, whole grains, vegetables and pulses are rich in B vitamins. A balanced diet that contains a variety of these foods helps us to absorb B vitamins.

Nevertheless, it can sometimes be difficult to meet our vitamin requirements exclusively through diet, as food does not always have the high nutritional value that it should. This is due to long transport routes, storage times, the use of pesticides and over-breeding of food.

Organic and regenerative farmers are actively counteracting this unfortunate state of affairs, but most people still buy their food primarily from the mass market for a variety of reasons. Aside from the poor nutritional quality of modern foods, one should consider ensuring adequate vitamin requirements through high-quality and bioavailable food supplements, especially if one has a stressful lifestyle, in order to rule out vitamin deficiencies.

Because the more active we are or the more stressful our everyday life is, the higher our vitamin requirements become.

In particular, people who are mentally and emotionally challenged, competitive athletes, vegetarians, vegans, pregnant women and adolescents are at risk of suffering from a vitamin deficiency if they do not eat a balanced diet or have a higher requirement than they can cover with their daily diet. Seniors are also often affected by a vitamin deficiency.

Why are B vitamins so important for us?

The most important functions of the B vitamins include their involvement in energy production, the functioning of the nervous system, the growth and repair of cells, and the production of red blood cells.

A deficiency in one or more B vitamins can lead to a number of health problems because these functions may not be performed correctly due to a lack of B vitamins.

B vitamins are crucial for the body as they are involved in a variety of functions in our body. A balanced diet rich in B vitamins can help prevent deficiency and promote optimal health. However, if you have a stressful daily life, do a lot of sport or are not always able to eat a 100% balanced diet, then high-quality B vitamin supplementation makes sense to avoid vitamin deficiency.

Additional intake of B vitamins can also be useful for seniors, as many older people suffer from a certain type of gastritis that makes it difficult to absorb B vitamins, often leading to vitamin deficiency.

What are the consequences of a vitamin B deficiency?

A vitamin B deficiency can lead to a number of health problems. These can include the following:

  1. Tiredness and weakness: Vitamin B12 and folic acid play an important role in energy production in the body. If we do not consume these vitamins in sufficient quantities, we suffer from listlessness and weakness.
  2. Anemia: Vitamin B12 and folic acid are also essential for the formation of red blood cells. A deficiency of these can lead to anemia.
  3. Nervous disorders: Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 play an important role in the functioning of the nervous system. A deficiency in these vitamins can lead to neuropathy, depression and anxiety disorders.
  4. Skin and mucous membrane problems: Vitamin B2 and niacin are important for the health of the skin and mucous membranes.
  5. Disorders of the digestive tract: Vitamins B1 and B12 are important for digestion and a deficiency can lead to problems such as diarrhea and nausea.

It should also be mentioned that a vitamin B deficiency does not always show up through these specific symptoms, but is often only detected through a blood test. A balanced diet with a focus on organic, or if possible even biodynamic (Demeter) foods and a supplementary vitamin B supplement that has a high bioavailability can help to avoid and prevent a deficiency.

But what about the voices that warn that vitamin B can be overdosed and that too much of it can even be dangerous?

Is too much vitamin B dangerous for us?

B vitamins are water-soluble, which means that the body excretes excess vitamin B through urine, making it very unlikely that an overdose can occur. In addition, the transport proteins required for the absorption of certain B vitamins are only present in limited quantities in the body, which makes an overdose even more difficult. Our intestinal mucosa is also structured in such a way that it only absorbs as many vitamins as it needs.

It is true that the vitamin B forms, vitamin B6 and niacin, can theoretically have undesirable effects at very high doses, such as skin redness and nausea, but these doses would have to be taken in very excessive and irrational amounts for an overdose to occur. If you eat a balanced and healthy diet and responsibly take a high-quality vitamin B preparation, you should not have any problems. Of course, you should stick to the recommended amounts and not replace a healthy diet with supplements, but simply supplement them.

In general, however, it can be said that an extreme overdose of vitamin B can theoretically lead to undesirable symptoms – this also applies to any other excessive consumption of other nutrients or foods that are completely harmless in normal quantities.

It can therefore be stated that although an overdose of vitamin B is theoretically possible, it is very unlikely.

This is because water-soluble vitamins are not stored by the body but are excreted again, and the organs in our body are designed in such a way that they only absorb as many vitamins as are needed. Even with higher or too high doses of vitamin B, an overdose is therefore very unlikely.

And how do you recognize high-quality vitamin B preparations?

Bioavailable B vitamins

B-Vitamin Complex from BE THE CHANGE is a premium B-vitamin complex with very high bioavailability that is manufactured in Switzerland. High bioavailability means that the B vitamins taken can be optimally absorbed by the body. Thanks to the patented Swiss technology, the active ingredient molecules are protected from stomach acid and are consistently water-soluble, which is why the B vitamins can reach the cells to an astonishing extent. There they are absorbed and utilized by the body as nature intended. B vitamins support mental performance, normal nerve function, blood formation and help us to combat tiredness and exhaustion. B vitamins are essential for energy metabolism.

We live in a performance-oriented society and are mentally and emotionally challenged every day. Having nerves of steel and constantly performing requires additional strength from our bodies. Our B-Vitamin Complex from BE THE CHANGE can strengthen performance and nerves by providing 7 combined B vitamins to deliver their active ingredients to the body with high bioavailability.

The We produce B-Vitamin Complex locally from the best ingredients to offer a sustainable nutritional supplement without unnecessary preservatives and additives.

We recommend the Take BE THE CHANGE B-vitamin complex in the morning on an empty stomach and, if necessary, in the evening shortly before going to bed.


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