


How, what, why? Well-founded answers about nutrition, health and sustainability.


Flüssige Mahlzeiten – Kauen ist von gestern?

Liquid meals – chewing is a thin...

Sven Altorfer

Whether as smoothies, juice cleanses, in powder form or bottled in trendy bottles from the health food market - liquid meals are currently on everyone's lips. Meals in liquid form...

Liquid meals – chewing is a thing of the past?

Sven Altorfer

Whether as smoothies, juice cleanses, in powder form or bottled in trendy bottles from the health food market - liquid meals are currently on everyone's lips. Meals in liquid form...

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How dangerous is cholesterol rea...

Sven Altorfer

The general population has internalized the message "cholesterol is harmful" and "fat in food increases cholesterol levels" without question - this dogma continues to be spread and represented in advertisements,...

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How dangerous is cholesterol really?

Sven Altorfer

The general population has internalized the message "cholesterol is harmful" and "fat in food increases cholesterol levels" without question - this dogma continues to be spread and represented in advertisements,...

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Wissenschaft gibt Entwarnung – Colostrum birgt kein Doping-Risiko

Science gives the all-clear – co...

Sven Altorfer

Athletes usually pay particular attention to a healthy diet and their body. Due to their high energy consumption and the exponentially high strain on the body, athletes like to use...

Science gives the all-clear – colostrum poses no risk of doping

Sven Altorfer

Athletes usually pay particular attention to a healthy diet and their body. Due to their high energy consumption and the exponentially high strain on the body, athletes like to use...

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GALT — der Hauptakteur unseres Immunsystems

GALT — the main player in our im...

Sven Altorfer

Every organism in this world has the same goal - survival and procreation. For this reason, viruses, bacteria and parasites constantly try to penetrate our body because they also want...

GALT — the main player in our immune system

Sven Altorfer

Every organism in this world has the same goal - survival and procreation. For this reason, viruses, bacteria and parasites constantly try to penetrate our body because they also want...

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Entzündungen im Körper

Inflammation in the body

Sven Altorfer

Many people have had inflammation before. Some may argue that every adult suffers from inflammation at least once in their life, and probably much more often. Inflammation can actually affect...

Inflammation in the body

Sven Altorfer

Many people have had inflammation before. Some may argue that every adult suffers from inflammation at least once in their life, and probably much more often. Inflammation can actually affect...

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Tierische versus pflanzliche Proteine – was ist wirklich besser?

Animal versus plant proteins – w...

Sven Altorfer

Tofu animal, almond milk, vegan cheese and Beyond Meat - the plant-based alternatives that replace conventional animal protein sources such as meat and cheese are numerous and are becoming increasingly...

Animal versus plant proteins – which is really better?

Sven Altorfer

Tofu animal, almond milk, vegan cheese and Beyond Meat - the plant-based alternatives that replace conventional animal protein sources such as meat and cheese are numerous and are becoming increasingly...

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