Vitamin D3 & Vitamin K2

Vitamin D3 & Vitamin K2

Certainly all of us have phases in life from time to time in which we eat a little less healthily than we would actually like. A hectic project at work or traveling a lot are just a few examples of why we might turn to frozen products or fast food more often because we don't have time to consciously go shopping or cook fresh. At first it's not a big problem, but after a few days our body reacts with sluggishness, a feeling of fullness and a lack of energy - we lack vitamins due to an unbalanced diet.

Maybe you are not one of these people, are an exemplary cook, eat healthy and balanced and still suffer from a vitamin deficiency or suspect this based on your symptoms? You are not alone, because even despite a healthy and balanced diet, a vitamin deficiency can occur in many people because we cannot influence all of the factors in our vitamin balance. In this article you will find out what vitamins actually are, why they are so important for us and why vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 in particular are useful as supplements. We clarify!

Aside from our energy level, vitamins play an essential role in numerous other functions of our body - for our skin and hair, for our teeth, our immune system, our brain and for our eyes. A complete and balanced diet is the key factor in ensuring that we are adequately supplied with vitamins. But a balanced diet is not always enough. Supplementing with vitamins often makes sense in many ways because, under certain circumstances, we cannot achieve a sufficient supply of vitamins through a healthy diet alone.

In order to ensure a sufficient supply of vitamins and thus generally prevent a deficiency, it may be appropriate to take vitamin supplements. In addition, it is essential for people with an increased need for vitamins to use vitamin supplements. These include people with previous illnesses, athletes or people who take certain medications or suffer from a lot of stress. It is often difficult for these people to cover their increased vitamin requirements through diet alone. Apart from these examples, “normal consumers” are also often affected by a vitamin deficiency, as a vitamin deficiency can be detected in healthy people despite a healthy and varied diet. But first we would like to clarify what vitamins actually are.

What are vitamins?

You may still remember your school days when one of your school friends rolled his eyes and smeared toothpaste on the corners of his cracked mouth and groaned “vitamin deficiency” at you appraisingly. But what exactly are these vitamins, too few of which make us weak and cause the corners of our mouths to crack?

According to current knowledge, there are 13 vitamins. We cannot see vitamins, but we can feel and sometimes even see their effects on our bodies, such as cracked corners of the mouth.

Vitamins are organic compounds and are among the essential substances that our body needs for vital processes because it cannot largely meet its needs independently [1] . The human body can only synthesize two vitamins out of a total of thirteen. In contrast to us humans, plants can produce the vitamins they need themselves. Therefore, people need to consume vitamins regularly with food [2] .

These vitamins regulate biological processes in our human bodies and are among the so-called non-energy-supplying substances. They are complex, organic molecules formed by plants, animals or bacteria [3] . You would therefore not find any vitamins in inanimate nature.

Did you know that vitamins are not equally considered vitamins for all living things? Many animals, such as cats or pigs, can produce vitamin C independently in their bodies, which is why the molecule we refer to as vitamin C is an intermediate product (metabolite) in the metabolism for cats and pigs. We humans lack a specific enzyme that cats and pigs have to produce vitamin C independently.

We humans have now found a way to isolate the different vitamins from their sources. For example, we isolate vitamin C from lemons and vitamin A from fish liver oil.

Vitamins are divided into so-called provitamins, fat-soluble (lipophilic) vitamins and water-soluble (hydrophilic) vitamins.

There is even a whole group of B vitamins, also called vitamin B complex. The vitamin B complex includes eight B vitamins: vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxamine and pyridoxal), vitamin B7 (biotin), Vitamin B9 (folic acid) and vitamin B12 (cobalamin).

Vitamin B12 and B3 are the only B vitamins that our body can store - but only in limited quantities.

There are two important forms of the fat-soluble D vitamins: vitamin D2 and vitamin D3.

Vitamin K is also fat-soluble and occurs in different compounds. There are over 100 known chemical compounds with a vitamin K effect. The most important and of practical importance for humans are the naturally occurring vitamins K1 and K2.

Why are vitamins important?

As we have already learned, vitamins are essential substances that are vital for us humans. Without vitamins we would die in the long term - which is where the name Vita-mine comes from (from the Latin vita 'life', pl. Vitae, Viten).

They are vital to us because they regulate numerous biological processes in the body. Vitamins are involved in fundamental processes in our cells, without which our body could not live and function.

Vitamin deficiency

A vitamin deficiency can lead to numerous symptoms and have different causes. Taking medication, drinking too much alcohol, increased physical activity, stress, pregnancy or malnutrition are just a few examples of the possible causes of a vitamin deficiency. We don't always have the power to decide whether we might suffer from a vitamin deficiency, such as during pregnancy [4] .

If we live in countries with low hours of sunshine or our exposure is limited by our lifestyle, such as our work and closed spaces, then a D vitamin deficiency can often be the result, which we find difficult to compensate for through food.

The symptoms of a vitamin deficiency are even more varied than the possible causes, which is why a vitamin deficiency should be avoided.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency:

  • Hair loss (vitamin D deficiency)
  • Dry skin (vitamin A deficiency)
  • Increased bleeding tendency (vitamin K deficiency)
  • Scurvy (vitamin C deficiency)
  • Bruises (vitamin K deficiency)
  • Lack of motivation, fatigue (vitamin K deficiency)
  • vm

Now you might be thinking, as long as I eat healthy and don't take any medications or am pregnant, you shouldn't be at risk of vitamin deficiency? Unfortunately, this is not entirely correct.

In the following section we will explain to you why a vitamin deficiency can arise even with a healthy and varied diet and why supplementation therefore makes sense.

Supplementation – Why it makes sense

Why does it make sense to take vitamin supplements if you generally eat a healthy diet?

We all still know the colorful food pyramids that hang in the doctor's office or are shown in school books. Do we really eat the recommended variety of “colorful” foods every day or week? Do we avoid too much sugar and machine-processed products? Even if we eat an exemplary diet, there are other factors that influence our potential vitamin balance.

Vitamins are complex compounds whose stability and effects are influenced by other factors - completely independent of your healthy diet.

This includes, for example, the preparation of food, its storage, as well as the agricultural circumstances of breeding and harvesting.

Hot frying destroys vitamins, which is why we should only steam vegetables, fish and other foods gently. Likewise, storing food for too long causes the vitamins it contains to be lost.

In addition to the storage and preparation of our food, which is admittedly our responsibility, there are other factors that influence our vitamin levels.

Many people are not aware of these factors because they are not necessarily their responsibility. For example, a lot of stress or strenuous physical activity can increase our vitamin requirements to such an extent that it is difficult to cover these needs with food alone.

In addition, poor soil quality for many farmers often means that vegetables and fruit do not contain enough vitamins and minerals. In addition, they are often harvested too early, which negatively affects and reduces the vitamin content of the food.

Another factor that has nothing to do with food, preparation or agriculture is sunlight. Because: too little sunlight can also cause a vitamin D deficiency, as our body produces vitamin D3 independently when our skin comes into contact with UV light. If no sun shines on our bare skin, no vitamin D3 is produced. Vitamin D3 deficiency is even recognized as a disease of civilization because our lifestyle takes place indoors more and more often and for longer periods of time, which is why we are not often exposed to sunlight. Many people can't step outside every time the sun shines. In addition, it is difficult to compensate for the resulting vitamin D3 deficiency through nutrition. Incidentally, pregnant women also often suffer from a vitamin D deficiency.

For various reasons, it is not always possible to ensure an adequate supply of all important vitamins, which is why taking high-quality vitamin supplements is recommended.

Scientific studies have also shown that taking a high-quality multivitamin and mineral supplement daily can protect against degenerative diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis, as well as seasonal infections.

The study “The impact of nutritional supplement intake on diet behavior and obesity outcomes” shows that taking nutritional supplements helps adults meet the recommended daily dose of certain minerals such as calcium and magnesium (for women and men) and iron (for women). [5] .

An important duo – “Whoever says D must also say K”

We at BE THE CHANGE® have made it our mission to act exclusively sustainably and in harmony with human biochemistry, as well as regenerative and organic agriculture.

For this reason, we took a close look at which vitamins are particularly useful as supplements for human biochemistry. We have come to the conclusion that vitamins D3 & K2, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, are the ideal nutritional supplement for all those who want to additionally support their immune system and their general well-being and value supplementary nutrition of natural origin.

The combination of vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 in our “ Vitamins D3 & K2 ” as well as the essential fatty acids is optimally designed to meet the daily needs of an adult and contains no preservatives or additives. EPA and DHA are essential omega 3 fatty acids that contribute to the maintenance of normal brain function and the normal function of the heart.

Now we would like to take a closer look at these two vitamins, vitamin D3 and vitamin K2, and what they do for our body. 

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is also colloquially known as the “sunshine vitamin” and has the chemical names “cholecalciferol” and “calcitriol”. It is produced independently by our body when our skin comes into contact with sunlight, UV light. As is well known, this is not always the case in our latitudes or the body's own production of vitamin D3 is hindered by clothing, closed rooms or sunscreen.

Vitamin D3 is important for old and young because it strengthens bones. An adult should consume around 5 µg of vitamin D every day [6] . Vitamin D3 is only found in small quantities in foods. Vitamin D is particularly found in fatty fish.


The word component “Calci” in the chemical name of vitamin D3 “Calcitriol” already indicates the effect of vitamin D3: The vitamin regulates the absorption and utilization of calcium and contributes to normal calcium levels in the blood.

Healthy calcium levels are essential for keeping bones healthy and strong. For children, vitamin D3 also ensures normal bone growth. Vitamin D also contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, which in turn serves as protection against many diseases and protects our health.

Vitamin K2

Foods that contain sufficient vitamin K2 are limited in our latitudes. Eggs, meat and dairy products contain the vitamin, but only in small amounts. This is one of the reasons why it makes sense to supplement vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 can be absorbed better by our body than vitamin K1.

We already know that vitamin K2 also exists in numerous subforms, all of which differ in their origin and biochemical behavior. The forms vitamin K2-MK4 and vitamin K2-MK7 are particularly useful and important for us humans. An adult should consume between 0.001-2.0 mg of vitamin K2 daily.

Vitamin K2 is an important helmsman in metabolism because it is incredibly important for calcium metabolism in all of our body tissues. It also forms a symbiotic partnership with vitamin D. Studies have shown that a deficiency of vitamin K2 can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.


Vitamin K2 regulates calcium metabolism in all body tissues. The human body contains around 1 kg of calcium, of which only around 1% exists in the extracellular dissolved form. Calcium metabolism includes numerous functions: including maintaining cell membrane function, transmitting information from the cell membrane into the cell, and acting as a pH buffer. The importance of a functioning and healthy calcium metabolism is undeniably important for the biological functioning of our entire body and every single cell. The need for an adequate supply of vitamin K2 has now been recognized and proven in numerous studies.

It is essential to have an optimal supply of vitamin K2, even when substituting vitamin D. Vitamin K2 is needed so that vitamin D can incorporate calcium into bones and teeth.

A deficiency of vitamin K2 can lead to calcium being deposited in an untargeted manner in the body (e.g. in vessel walls) instead of in the tissues into which it is supposed to be incorporated. In 2010, a meta-analysis was published in the British Medical Journal in which a clearly increased risk of heart attack was demonstrated with calcium supplementation without the necessary addition of vitamin K2.

Conversely, the Rotterdam study in 2004 found that a high intake of vitamin K2 was associated with significantly fewer cardiovascular diseases.

It is noteworthy that vitamin K2 can also break down existing limescale deposits in vessels. The interaction between K2 and D3 is therefore of essential importance, which is why a combination of these two vitamins in a supplement is recommended.

BE THE CHANGE Vitamins D3 & K2 & Omega 3 fatty acids

With our BE THE CHANGE Vitamins D3 & K2 & Omega 3 fatty acids, we have created the ideal nutritional supplement for anyone who wants to additionally support their immune system and general well-being and who values ​​supplementary nutrition of natural origin that does not contain any preservatives or additives. The factors that make it difficult to absorb or produce these two vitamins give reason to supplement them.

To support the immune system and maintain overall well-being, we created the powerful vitamin duo of K2 & D3 and captured the science behind these vitamins in the capsules.

Swiss Essentials® 1 is the optimally formulated vitamin and fatty acid preparation for daily needs, which was developed on the basis of vitamin science and human biochemistry. A positive effect occurs with a daily intake of 250 mg EPA and DHA combined.


  1. Kuhn: Vitamins and medicines. Die Chemie (Applied Chemistry, new series) 55(1/2), pp. 1 – 6 (1942), ISSN 1521-3757
  2. Klaus Oberbeil: Fit through vitamins. Südwest-Verlag, 2003, ISBN 3-517-07824-7
  3. Karl-Heinz Bässler, Ines Golly, Dieter Loew: Vitamin lexicon. Urban & Fischer, 2002, ISBN 3-437-21141-2
  4. Andreas Jopp: Vitamin deficiency risk factor. Haug, 2002, ISBN 3-8304-2077-3
  6. German Society for Nutrition (DGE) (conception and development: “Reference values ​​for nutrient intake” working group): DACH reference values ​​for nutrient intake. Umschau/Braus Verlag, 2000, ISBN 3-8295-7114-3

[1] R. Kuhn: Vitamins and medicines. Die Chemie (Applied Chemistry, new series) 55(1/2), pp. 1 – 6 (1942), ISSN 1521-3757

[2] Klaus Oberbeil: Fit through vitamins. Südwest-Verlag, 2003, ISBN 3-517-07824-7

[3] Karl-Heinz Bässler, Ines Golly, Dieter Loew: Vitamin lexicon. Urban & Fischer, 2002, ISBN 3-437-21141-2

[4] Andreas Jopp: Vitamin deficiency risk factor. Haug, 2002, ISBN 3-8304-2077-3


[6] German Society for Nutrition (DGE) (conception and development: working group “Reference values ​​for nutrient intake”): DACH reference values ​​for nutrient intake. Umschau/Braus Verlag, 2000, ISBN 3-8295-7114-3

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