Serie Kolostrum Teil 1 – Kolostrum – Das Superfood von Mutter Natur

Colostrum Series Part 1 – Colostrum – Mother Nature’s Superfood

Colostrum is an amazing substance that is naturally produced in the bodies of mammals, including cows. In a sense, it is the first superfood that everyone consumes. While the so-called "superfoods" have been on everyone's lips for some time, colostrum has not yet been given this title, even though the nutrients in this special milk and its nutritional benefits are outstanding and often surpass those of more popular superfoods. But what exactly is colostrum and why is it so healthy or even a potential superfood?

In this article, Part 1 of this colostrum series , we would like to finally shine the spotlight on colostrum and discuss why colostrum should be considered the most original of all “superfoods” and what added value it can offer us as adults.

We invite you to accompany us on this short, scientific excursion to the cow pasture. Put on your rubber boots and off you go!

This is what this article is about:

  • What is colostrum?
  • Cow colostrum
  • Why is colostrum a superfood?
  • Liquid gold for the immune system
  • Antibodies (IgG)
  • Lactoferrin and lysozyme & T lymphocytes and macrophages
  • Upcycling – good for mother and calf
  • Cold filtration, no heating
  • Study results
  • Colostrum – every mother’s superpower

    Colostrum refers to the first milk produced by a cow after the birth of a calf and is also known as “colostrum”. Women and mammals in general also produce colostrum, which is passed on to their offspring through breastfeeding or suckling in the first few days after birth.

    Colostrum ensures that newborn creatures, who are born helpless and with only an innate immune system but no acquired immune system, can quickly become strong and strong. The strength and power that colostrum gives babies and calves relates specifically to their immune systems.

    This special form of milk is not only of great importance for newborn calves and babies, but also offers humans numerous health benefits when consumed as a supplementary food.

    But how is colostrum actually created and why is it recommended that we continue to consume it as adults?

    The creation of colostrum - using the example of the cow

    The production of colostrum in the cow's body is a fascinating and complex biological process. Already during the cow's pregnancy, hormonal changes occur that influence the body's preparation for the upcoming birth and milk production.

    The hormones prolactin and estrogen play an important role in the development of the mammary glands. In the days and weeks before birth, the first phase of milk production begins, which is known as “lactogenesis I”. During this phase, the cow's mammary glands grow and develop in preparation for upcoming milk production. The hormones estrogen and progesterone play a key role here.

    Immediately after the birth of the calf, the transition to the second phase of milk production, known as “lactogenesis II”, occurs. The production of colostrum increases rapidly. The hormones prolactin and oxytocin are significantly involved in milk production. Prolactin stimulates milk production, while oxytocin triggers the contraction of the mammary gland muscles and the flow of milk.

    The calf is now born and can drink the colostrum from its mother in the first few days after birth to gain immunity and nutrients. Because: This first milk is rich in nutrients and antibodies that strengthen the calf's immune system and protect it from infections. Unlike a baby, the calf is actually born without an innate immune system. The colostrum of the mother cow is therefore a guarantee for the survival of the young animal.

    Colostrum also contains high concentrations of proteins, growth factors, vitamins and minerals that are essential for the growth and development of the calf.

    Compared to the breast milk produced later, colostrum is thicker and has a golden color. The composition of normal breast milk is less concentrated in immune factors and is whitish in color.

    So how is colostrum a superfood?

    Why does colostrum deserve the title “superfood”?

    Before we answer this question, we would like to briefly clarify what is actually meant by a superfood.

    “Superfood” is a term that has become quite popular in recent years to refer to foods that are considered particularly nutrient-rich and health-promoting. While there is no official or scientifically accepted definition of a "superfood," the informal term is still often used by nutrition experts to refer to foods that have high concentrations of certain nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals or other bioactive compounds.

    Colostrum undoubtedly contains a variety of beneficial nutrients, antibodies and immune-boosting compounds that are nutritionally important to us as adults.

    The only difficulty, if you will, in calling colostrum a superfood, according to few authors, is that the term “superfood” is sometimes associated with foods that are readily available, inexpensive and accessible to the general population. Colostrum is not that widely available and can be difficult to find in some regions - but let's be honest, how many goji berries, blue-green algae (spirulina) or cacao nibs have you seen at your local market, let alone been able to purchase for cheap?

    Many, even most, superfoods are a little “unusual”, a little more expensive and often come from distant and tropical countries. Colostrum, on the other hand, can theoretically be found almost everywhere where there is dairy farming and livestock farming - and where is there not? The scientific knowledge about colostrum is relatively new and many farmers are not aware that there is a market for excess colostrum.

    At this point it is important to mention that even with existing colostrum producers, you should only use high-quality colostrum from trustworthy sources. Dairy farmers must first prioritize the welfare of the calves before excess colostrum can be skimmed off for human consumption. Additionally, the quality and purity of colostrum can vary from provider to provider, affecting the consistency and reliability of its health benefits. Apart from that, nothing stands in the way of colostrum as a superfood.

    Because: Due to its nutritional properties and its health benefits for humans, colostrum is definitely considered a “superfood” and deserves more attention.

    We would therefore like to take a closer look at the benefits that the nutrients in colostrum can offer us.

    Liquid Gold – The Amazing Health Benefits of Colostrum

    Colostrum can provide numerous health benefits to humans when consumed in a bioactive form. But what is actually “inside” colostrum? Colostrum can be thought of as a kind of healthy, natural milk cocktail made up of all sorts of important nutrients, proteins, vitamins and fats. It also contains growth factors such as insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which promotes muscle growth and can support tissue regeneration. Don’t worry – colostrum poses no risk of doping .

    The proteins and enzymes contained in colostrum can support, regenerate and promote our intestinal health. This can be particularly beneficial for people with digestive problems or if you want to heal your intestines.

    Likewise, colostrum also contains naturally occurring anti-inflammatory substances that can help reduce inflammation in the body, which in turn can reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases. Many people also report an increase in their energy and vitality during or after taking colostrum.

    The most important ingredients in colostrum are undoubtedly the antibodies and immune factors that can strengthen our immune system. These can help improve our body's defenses against bacterial and viral infections and promote our overall health.

    “One immune defense in a glass, please” – How colostrum can strengthen your immune system

    The human immune system is a complex network of cells, proteins and tissues that protects our body from harmful pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. Supporting and strengthening this system is crucial to preventing disease and maintaining our health. Colostrum has been proven to be an effective way to improve and support the human immune system.

    One of the most notable properties of colostrum is its high content of immunoglobulins, particularly immunoglobulin G (IgG). These antibodies play a crucial role in fighting off infections because they have the ability to recognize and neutralize pathogens - almost like James Bond.

    By taking colostrum we can increase the concentration of these protective antibodies in the blood, which helps to strengthen the immune defense against pathogens. This happens not least because of the substances lactoferrin and lysozyme, which are contained in colostrum. Because: These substances stimulate the activity of immune cells such as T lymphocytes and macrophages.

    T lymphocytes and macrophages are crucial for recognizing and eliminating pathogens in our body. By stimulating the activity of these cells, colostrum supports the effective fight against infections.

    Colostrum also contains immune-regulatory substances that can help keep our immune system in balance. This is important to prevent excessive inflammatory reactions that can lead to autoimmune diseases. Colostrum can therefore help promote a healthy immune response.

    The immunoglobulin A (IgA) contained in colostrum can also protect our mucous membranes and thus reduce the likelihood of infections in the respiratory tract, digestive tract and other mucous membrane areas - many infections begin in our upper respiratory tract.

    So what is the conclusion?

    The conclusion – colostrum, the “OG” of superfoods

    The nutrients in colostrum speak for themselves - colostrum shows us how amazing Mother Nature is and how she provides us with a source of nutrients and immune factors that can be of great benefit not only to newborn animals, but also to adult humans. Colostrum is, in a sense, the pioneer, or as young people would say, the “OG” of the superfood scene.

    The research and use of colostrum as a dietary supplement or food opens up exciting opportunities for us to promote our health and well-being. If more dairy farmers sustainably skim excess colostrum and reputable suppliers take on the demanding processing process, then colostrum should soon be mentioned in the same breath as goji berries and other superfoods. The health potential of high-quality, ultra-filtered, non-heat-treated colostrum from milk surplus cannot be dismissed.

    Please note that it is important to consult a specialist before taking colostrum or other dietary supplements, or if you make any changes to your eating habits.

    The information in this blog is for general educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.


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    2. Bruce, C.E.: Natural History Magazine, February 1969
    3. Kritzinger, Franz: The quality classification of colostrum with a simple precision funnel, Munich 2017, p. 6; last accessed on September 7th, 2023
    4. Klapper, DG et al: Endicrinology, June 1983
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    6. Przybylska, J.; Albera, E.; Kankofer, M.: Antioxidants in Bovine Colostrum, April 2007
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    8. Bruce, C.E.: Natural History Magazine, February 1969
    9. R. Pakkanen, J. Aalto: Growth Factors and Antimicrobial Factors of Bovine Colostrum. In: International Dairy Journal. 7 (5), 1997, pp. 285-297
    10. Kritzinger, Franz: The quality classification of colostrum with a simple precision funnel, Munich 2017, p. 6; last accessed on September 7th, 2023
    11. Klapper, DG et al: Endicrinology, June 1983
    12. Przybylska, J.; Albera, E.; Kankofer, M.: Antioxidants in Bovine Colostrum, April 2007
    13. Li Y, Juhl SM, Ye X, Shen RL, Iyore EO, Dai Y, Sangild PT, Greisen GO. A Stepwise, Pilot Study of Bovine Colostrum to Supplement the First Enteral Feeding in Preterm Infants (Precolos): Study Protocol and Initial Results. Front Pediatrics 2017 Mar 3;5:42. doi: 10.3389/fped.2017.00042. PMID: 28316968; PMCID: PMC5334325.
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    1 comment

    How to do extract the colostrum, and what happens to the calf of the colostrum producing mother? Does it not get any?

    Katrin Carter

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